Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Random Post

Things that would make me happy in Japan:

Brown shoes and belt. I have 2-3 pairs of brown pants, but no matching shoes and belt combo. I’ve never been in a position where I’ve had to wear clothing quite as professionally as I do here – I have to actually tuck in my shirts and wear belts and all that.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I suppose I could get some. It costs $10-$11 for enough supplies to make 9 sandwiches. That’s one jar of peanut butter, one jar of jelly and three loaves of bread. Three loaves of bread with six slices per loaf. They’re not that big on baking here. The jars of peanut butter and jelly wouldn't last much further than those three loaves either. I’ve been warned away from trying to buy uncut breads here. A coworker thought she was getting a lovely loaf of French bread for some egg salad sandwiches. She has everything ready to go, cuts the loaf open, and finds chocolate inside. You tend to find chocolate or beans or something in breads. These people just don’t understand sandwiches.

Wild Cherry Pepsi. I love me a Wild Cherry Pepsi. They have normal Pepsi, normal Coke, plain Mountain Dew, some random melon, grape, and orange flavored drinks, and ginger ale. The machines at school also now serve 7-Up and Sprite. I’m scared of the orange one since you can get hot orange juice, so I think it’s just carbonated orange juice. Though I love orange juice and Sprite, especially if you add some tequila…Since I don’t like the sodas they have, this is both a good and bad thing. I won’t be drinking any, which is good, but if I just really want some, I have to order it from the Foreign Buyer’s Club in Kobe. Maybe the local foreign foods store has it. Do you know how weird it is to go to the foreign foods aisle in the store to get spaghetti?

Things that I’ve learned in Japan that I could/should have learned beforehand:

I love Earl Grey tea. Never tried it before, it always creeped me out. It’s delicious.

/random post.


CBGB said...

You never really appreciate things like Wild Cherry pepsi until they are gone huh...

I just realized how much I really enjoyed the one I had for lunch yesterday :)

Sneha said...

Well I will have to bring you some Soda if I ever visit.

CBGB said...

if you send me a cucumber flavored pepsi or some other assorted random wierd as hell japanese food I think a trade could be arranged!! what would shipping cost anyways?