Sunday, March 22, 2009


My office has gotten remodeled. We used to be in our own separate offices, maybe two teachers to an office, in different workshop style classrooms. The offices were walled off from the classroom space with these movable half glass half metal walls. The Powers That Be decided we should all share an office, to better utilize the space available. We turned half of one classroom into an open office for most of the MechE teachers, and reorganized the rest of the space into a more efficient working area for the students. I don't have any before pictures, sorry. I do have during and after pictures of my office setup.

During the renovations, we were moved into a classroom across the hall. It was exam time, so no students would be needing the classroom for classes. The six MechE teachers that would be moving in together shared the classroom. Behold, my workspace for a couple of weeks:

Temporary Office My Temporaray Office

I don't have as much stuff as some of the other guys. Laptop, printer, some books, not too much. Now, we are in our lovely new digs, with dividers so we can ignore the guy across from us:

Desk Shelves

I get my very own bookshelf to keep my few books on! Lee and I only brought one set of engineering books with us, thinking it was stupid and wasteful to bring multiples, so we're leaving them at home. You can see my lovely pile of Japanese books, including Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and the strange hole punch apparatus. The papers here only have two holes instead of three. Madness, I tell you, madness!

So this is where I do my work. When I'm not actively teaching, of course. Wish me luck, the new year starts in two weeks!

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