Thursday, November 13, 2008

Long Time No Post

Not that we haven't been doing anything, just that we haven't been writing about it. So, here's some pictures from a walk we took about town almost two weeks ago. First, we went down a busy road and then realized the building we thought could be a department store was actually just apartments. Then, we turned down the river to go to the other end of town to see a craft store and a stationary store. There's a nice path down all of the little streams around here:

The ducks are different here. They have colored tips on their bills. From far away, they don't look that different, but they aren't quite the same (click to see it better):

In fact, all of the birds here are a bit different. The crows are much larger and louder. There's a couple of hawks that live in our neighborhood too, but they always fly away before I can photograph them. Very large birds.

On our walk, we also saw some interesting gardens, and photographed one nicely manicured tree. You can tell how much money a family has by the niceness of their garden. This family must have money.

When we got to the end of the river, we came out into a little park. There were benches and areas for kids to play, and nicely manicured bushes and things. There was also a statue:

We went to the stationary store to check it out, and then headed home. On the way, there were some pretty flowers:

Such pretty things everywhere. As long as you don't look at the power lines, which are all aboveground.

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