Thursday, April 26, 2012


So far, we've hiked mostly in glorious cool and sunny conditions, perfect for getting in the miles:

We've also hiked through a fair bit of rain and fog, and one night just made it to a campsite as a thunderstorm began (didn't stop to take pictures):

Surprisingly, we also had some snow, which we knew was a possibility this month but were hoping we wouldn't hit any:

It made for a very cold night, especially as we were way up on a mountain in our little 3-season tent, luckily with enough gear to not be (too) worried about our safety. One of the other hikers who was in the shelter rather than tenting said his thermometer read 20 degrees Fahrenheit! We piled on all our clothing and headed down the mountain, happy we were headed for a town since the next night was supposed to be even colder.

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