Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Trippiest Room of the KIT Campus

First, think about what the collection of someone who compulsively bought mainstream American music from 1960 to about 1990 would look like if they hung the records at random over the surfaces of the downstairs of their house. Think the Beatles and the Rolling Stones but also Cher and Journey and David Bowie and Queen and John Denver and the Beach Boys. Think about records, real vinyl records, and the huge cover art that fits on a disc the size of your torso. Think about this vinyl taking up a large portion of a large room, over the walls and sorted neatly into storage bins, with incredible, original, forty year old absolute classics mixed in with discs that should properly be Shaun-of-the-Dead'd at the heads of onrushing zombies.

For those unfamiliar, hilarious movie, go watch it, and this one is the "before" picture:

This one is the "after":

Going back to this large collection of records. Thinking about that instead of zombies with pieces of records sticking out of their faces? No? A large room, a bajillion records, truly mixed taste in music? Better? OK then, that makes it time for another movie reference. Take that room you're seeing, and combine it with a room filled with the mind-erasing machines from Total Recall. You can picture Ah-nold in this room in the chair, but only if he is a short, thin, Japanese male who is currently asleep.

This new hybrid room would then be pretty funky, right?

KIT has this room. We have pictures. You can check it out in the gallery. I think their funding ran out fifteen years ago or something because they definitely stopped buying music before Nirvana (they have a small collection of CD's of newer, mostly Japanese music). But the jukebox works and they will turn it on for you if you ask and it's loaded with awesomeness from way back. Never tried one of the brainwashing / noise canceling listening chairs because I'm pretty sure they would try to program me to like natto and red bean paste or something and there's really nothing to be gained there. Ana found this place a while back and I've found it completely trippy every time I've been.

Wasn't that better than an ikebana post? I call for a vote in the comments section.

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