Sunday, June 6, 2010

More KTC Advertisments Featuring Ana

We've shown you some promotional materials for Ana's school featuring Ana before, but they've produced some new materials and we figured we'd share.

First up is the front page of one of their information booklets, upon which they have carefully placed their one black and one female engineering instructors.

Next up, the front of another information booklet. I call your attention to the picture in the bottom center - the one with the rowboat? Yeah, they take students out of class for that for days at a time to send them to one of our seminar houses to teach them teamwork by making them row together. I personally might not publicize that.

I include the rear of the same booklet for one reason: they have the full faculty and a bunch of students posing in front of a school building. You'd think it would be, say, their own school building. In this case, you'd be wrong. That's a KIT building, which KTC students to the best of my knowledge do not take classes in. However, they've remedied that with this years' photo - we took one a few days ago in front of the KTC building.

We could probably puzzle out of a good portion of this, but it is more fun just to imagine and theorize.

This portion of the newsletter brought back some wonderful Christmas memories. They had students from Singapore Polytechnic visiting in December, and for some reason decided to hold a "traditional American Christmas dinner" for them, as a time for students of both schools to hang out. First off, they ordered a Thanksgiving dinner, not Christmas. Second, they ordered 12 12lb turkeys for about 30 people to eat. 144lb / 30 people = 4.8 pounds per person. Third, the entire meal was stone cold when served because the facilities for cooking could not accommodate all of the turkeys at once, and then it was stored it in the fridge all day before serving it after school. On the plus side, Ana brought home a nearly intact turkey in a clean garbage bag afterward and we ate off it for days.

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