Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Feline Shenanigans

The yard is coming along, but we haven't made enough progress to post about it. Instead I give you kitten shenanigans, because we've had some of those!

First off, a leash. Layla is very interested in the outside world, and must have a window available in every room to see what's going on outside or she gets antsy. While these cats are strictly indoor cats, I felt she might enjoy going outside, so I bought her a harness. The first time, she did not particularly appreciate it (and it was the only time she's scratched me):

Once we got the harness on, I had to adjust it (which she also was less than pleased with) and I let her hang out for a little bit with it on inside, to get used to it:

When she eventually stopped attacking it, we headed outside to check out the wide world of the front porch:

The encroaching trees and creepers have since been cut back

She was quite confused by this experience, and snuck from one corner to the other, trying to figure out what this new place was and why she was there. She then made her way from one step to the next, with my encouragement, and we explored the front pathway in the same crouched, halting manner:

She doesn't mind the harness now, and we head outside every so often when she's interested. She knows to stay away from the back door (which we typically use) but will run to the front door if she thinks she can go outside.

As for the little one, she likes hanging out on people's shoulders. If you're standing around, doing the dishes or talking, she'll put her paws around your leg in a request to be put up on your shoulders. Every morning before I go to work, we spend some time walking around the house together. She likes Lee's shoulders too, but he's a bit more skeptical:

Alternatively, she'll fall asleep on your feet while doing dishes or other standing-around chores, and then it's always a dilemma for me, move the cat or try to find something else to do while standing in the same spot. Lee just moves the cat.

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