Friday, November 25, 2011

A Few Nice Pictures From a Bike Ride

While Ana was off watching Takarazuka there was some really amazingly nice weather and I got around to mapping a local road into the mountains.  We do a lot of miles on it preparing for the very real possibility of attempting the Appalachian Trail next spring/summer, but we didn't really know what our pace was while on it because we had no distance information.  I went up there with my bike (and distance-tracking bike computer) and made a lot of notes about mileage and landmarks.  I had one of the older cameras because 1) Ana had the good compact camera with her in Osaka and 2) I had no intention of taking the big camera out of the bag, removing the lens cap, taking a picture, and reversing the process a couple of dozen times to map the route.  Then, up beyond where we usually go, I found some nice overlooks and views and wished I had the big camera anyway.  Perhaps we'll be up there this winter after a snow with the big camera and can get some better shots.  In the meantime, here are some pictures from the mountains up behind the apartment:

I also found a sign for the "Kanazawa City Intellectual Center", located waaaay out in the boonies.  I was unable to find an affiliated website.

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