We went to Bali for 11 days at the end of July. This wasn't a product of long term planning, I just thought wouldn't it be neat if it were possible to...and then two weeks later we went. There were some scheduling issues to work out with Lee's job, but basically they swapped two weeks of work and vacation around in his schedule and gave us the OK. This was the first international vacation we've ever taken, our first time in the Southern Hemisphere, and with the full page tourist visa, a good step forward in filling our passports. Bali is an island in Indonesia. It is mostly Hindu, whereas the rest of Indonesia is mostly Muslim. It is not a first world country, and was an interesting experience in ways mostly good but some bad.
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We had a 6.5 hour nonstop flight from Kansai International airport outside Osaka to Bali, after taking the train to Osaka from Kanazawa the night before. We had a flight early enough that taking the train the same day was not possible. While in Osaka airport, we
In the morning, we took the hotel shuttle back to the airport to catch our flight. Kansai airport is well designed. It's a man-made island off the coast housing a train station as well as the airport, plus several more-expensive-than-ours hotels. The train station is in the center of the complex
The flight itself was uneventful. The airport in Denpasar, however, surely let us know we were no longer in Japan, with temples and statues and scenery galore. It also had long and painful lines. We had a line for our visas a
One disappointing thing about the drive to the hotel was that by the time we were on our way, the sun had set, so we were unable to see the countryside. We stopped at a lovely restaurant on a waterlily covered bay/lake for dinner, but couldn't enjoy the view as much as we would have liked. We were so happy to have rice that wasn't short grain sticky Japanese rice and flavorful, spicy food! The villas we were staying at for the first part of the trip were booked for the first night, so we stayed in a new villa down the road that had just opened for business. Sadly, the camera fell out of the bag in the car so we don't have pictures of that first one, but it was very nice with a comfortable bed and an amazing view. Fishing boats left from that beach every morning and if you woke up to watch the sunrise at 6:30, you could also watch the fishing boats come back in around 7. That first sunrise was excellent.
Flickr for more pictures!
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