Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Fish Market

There's a fish market downtown, Omicho Market. It is supposed to have some really nice fresh fish direct from the ocean. We wanted to check out the market sometime and decided that during our break would be a good time. We also wanted to go see if we could find a couch at a store downtown. No luck with the couch, and we found that during the time when everyone is off of work and getting ready for their New Year's Eve parties, the market is so full of people you can barely breathe.

There were seriously a lot of elbows used here. We just kind of went with the flow of people, looking and snapping pictures as we went.

The market is a lot of little fish stands selling fish bits, whole fish, half fish, cleaned fish, fresh from the sea fish, expensive small pieces of good fish, crabs, tentacles, you name it, they got it. We didn't end up buying anything though, because nothing was interesting enough to attempt to purchase it, and it was mostly very expensive. It may be because everyone was getting such things for their New Year's Eve parties, or it could be the normal price. Those little packaged bits of fish on the right hand side of the above picture? I don't think I saw one that was under $30. Some were nearing $100. There was a crab priced at $300, seen in the upper right hand corner of the next picture:

You can get any parts of the fish you want - just flesh, half a fish, a whole fish minimally processed, reproductive organs and eggs, anything. Here's some very large, and very expensive, whole fish, for them who like to play with scales:

As you can see, there's also entire halves, bottom quarters, and other sections of fish. For our last picture, I leave you with the blurry tentacles:

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